What's next for PhotoStructure?
PhotoStructure is new software: there’s already a lot of nifty features that are unique to PhotoStructure, but there are tons of additional features that we want to build out.
When you pay for a subscription, you’re directly helping to make these new features a reality.
Help vote on what gets built next đź”—
The feature requests category in PhotoStructure’s community forum is how we prioritize what’s built next.
Forum accounts are free and easy to set up, and all free accounts get 4 votes to apply to feature requests.
Paid subscribers get 8 feature request votes.
What’s already been built? đź”—
Every major release adds new features. These are tracked in detail in the release notes as well as in version announcements (like this one for version 1.0)
We also tag the feature requests in the forum with “completed-feature”, and close the topic.
We close the topic to release the votes associated to that topic, so people can re-use those votes on new features.